Wednesday, 8 January 2014

2013 review

hello mellow dear visitors!! *ehem,ada ke orang visit?? krik.krik.krik

kalau ada yang mem"visit" page aku ni banyak terima kasih la yek.. hahaha sebelum terlupa HAPPY NEW YEAR (ye yeee aku tahu dah 5 hari new year berlalu) ahh, aku selalu lambat untuk wish and update segala dalam blog ni. too busy and lack of idea.

selalunye masuk tahun baru ramai yang berebut berazam baru. aku tak nak ler cerita azam aku cume buat review sikit tahun 2013 yang telah berlalu. 1st of all and the most excited thing happened at the end of 2013 is I met ibu,and siapakah ibu?? she is ah tag's mother, thanks to ibu for her hospitality for 2 days at Seremban.

2nd things that make me excited, I've bought 2 bunnies name Elle (Elleanore) & Ed(Eddy). they are super cute bunnies, i love them. orang kata, pelihara binatang ni mampu hilangkan stress. berbual dengan binatang peliharaan ni mampu menghilangkan stress walaupun haiwan tu tak bagi feed back atau dalam erti kata lain adalah "cakap sorang sorang". hahaha

the 3rd things happened in 2013 is everything about Ah tag. hurm, i've got mad with ah tag for his stupid action. tapi kami dah overcome with this problem. and the most shock news is his loyalty car has stolen by a few irresponsible person on 16 dec 2013 (berasap kepala). sampai sekarang, tak ada apa-apa news about that car.
RIP TX5475.

Last but not least, I still in love with Ah tag :) hahaha kbai

post tak bergambar. 2 jam tunggu pon belum tentu complete gambar ni diupload